We should hand it all over. Now. Honorably.
And then stand ready to help. Or not, as is requested.
To help make the new way work.
To be available but not controlling, or even assertive.
Be present. While being present.
Let’s act like elders.
Be graceful and wise.
A willing transfer of power from one generation and its close associates, to another and its allies and compatriots in time and culture.
This is about not being spiteful, or giving up. In fact, it is the opposite. This is about recognizing that while the path we have been on for the past 500 years or so has generated a lot of wealth (sure, it’s mostly been for the privileged white man, but it did drive a lot of growth), it has not generated anything like a fair playing field for all. The fabric of our social structure is ripped and torn and doesn’t hold together. Black Lives Matter.
This is about stepping back. A step back that will not, I think be most difficult for the oldest or the youngest, but for those in the middle.
For most, being 80+ yrs old is close enough to the end that a hand off to the next generation feels ok.
Same with 70+. Except now we bring in more of those who have devoted the bulk of their lives and resources to obtaining and holding power and wealth.
60+. Same.
For those at the other end of the spectrum, the story is similar if inverted.
For the 20-something cohort, starting something completely new, from scratch doesn’t seem as risky as it does to a 30-something who has begun to accumulate some power and some wealth and begins to be invested personally in the continuation of the current mode. Or the 40\50 somethings that have the house just about paid off and the retirement account is starting to grow.
20/30’s on one end. 70/80+s on the other end.
And so, those in the middle, 40/50/60’s. Those most IN the old mode and still dependent on it. Those entrenched and beholden to the old way. Those reaping the benefits of the old way.
These folks are the key. If the Elders (70/80s) willingly start pushing wealth and power down to their descendants, a big part of the push needs to be Through the large provider/nurturer group in their prime earning and power years (40\50\60’s - the Mids?) To the Youth group (20/30’s).
But, the Mids are going to be tough. They have the worst risk-return trade of the bunch.
Elders can retain a little wealth and just float happily to their end. Not much real loss. And also, not much risk. Just step away and enjoy your remaining days.
The Youth aren’t yet ingrained in the ways of the old world, and, are not yet integrally involved in the self-perpetuating machine. There is not a lot of risk in terms of present position.
An imagined future is always better than a real, impoverished current day (whether financially or culturally impoverished.)
The Mids.
I humbly propose that the Elders, the Grey Hairs, can help the Mids by the way they push down wealth and power. There is plenty to go around if everyone gets real about what they need (not multi-millions and billions) and what they can take with them (absolutely nothing).
I would also suggest that the Youth can help themselves by taking account of the Mids. I don’t suggest that it is incumbent on Youth to account for the Mids. In fact, quite the opposite, this is a moment for new ideas, better ideas, and if the Mids that are beholden to the old ways won’t step aside, they should probably get run over.
I think though, there are enough “woke” people out there, including Mids that have benefited from the old ways, to help turn the tide and make this a constructive, productive revolution.
As long as they aren’t just discarded in the process, and if the Elders help, this could work out for the Mids as well as the Youth.
It is certainly a better place to which the current movements aspire. Let us all allows ourselves the accommodation of seeing what is happening and of how our role can help move things forward rather than fighting the Force.