Calming Emotional Energy


Small, recurring, persistent frustrations and fears complicate the flow of emotional energy. They are often under our normal level of conscious perception. They create a disruptive ripple. Small changes here can have a big affect on your life.

The activities or situations involved, and which give rise to frustration and fear, are small; a minor change to the dog door that would make it slide more smoothly, updating that autofill address that still has an old zip code and is buried whothehellknowswhere in my phonecloudspace.
Sometimes they are a little bigger. Still not calamitously emotionally impactful individually, but they are felt a little more in the moment. Maybe an unfinished part of a project that you can’t get out of your mind but that you also can’t seem to finish. Maybe there is a particular gardening tool that you just always forget to pick up and would really make randomgardentaskX much easier, but, it’s not that big a deal and so you just do it and move on.
Some thing that just needs a little attention, a little time, maybe a little effort, maybe a little money but usually not much of any of these.
They are pretty easily addressed when a moment is taken to see the situation for what it is factually. (This can be complicated by the degree of affect the invisible world is having, but do the best you can 🧐.). Resolve the issue. Note how it feels. Enjoy the newly calmed emotional waters, faint though the ripple might have been.
This might seem too simplistic. The situations are simple to address. They can, however, be very difficult to see. Staying in the present is helpful. Keeping ports open. In my experience, the situations are simple to address, but until you start looking, they can be very difficult to see. And, cumulatively, their resolution can have a big effect on our lives.
Over time, these little changes can add up to a much calmer walk thru life.  

Pay attention to your energy. Let it flow smoothly my friend.



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