National Service

Millions of Americans are unemployed or underemployed.
The economy is collapsing (?) (Main Street v. Wall Street weirdness).
The PPP supply chain is broken.

This is a part of the pent up dysfunction this pandemic is releasing.  
This is a part of the larger reset.

We have need of a tremendous amount of testing and contact tracing to be positioned to intelligently respond to what are sure to be continuously changing societal health issues.

Maybe we can help all these situations by putting them together in a public works approach. Rather than just sending a stimulus check, we could put millions to work filling holes in the PPP supply chain, as well as in administering pervasive testing and conducting thorough contact tracing.

It feels good, individually.
It helps society stabilize into a less conflict-driven, more mutually supportive mode.
Some money is pumped back into the economy.
People can take a breath while reseting, take the time to consider new paths.
Health system infrastructure preparedness (PPP, et al) is improved/stabilized.
Our ability to manage changing conditions with availability of testing/tracing data is dramatically improved.
The global cooperation between scientists continues to expand with access to data.
Their voice grows.

We live in times of historical import. We can influence the nature of humanity's path for the next thousand years in much much larger ways than is normally the case. This is a thousand year event. It is that big. Not because of the pandemic itself, but because of the huge amount of twisted we had gotten ourselves into. The pandemic is a trigger, a switch that opens the floodgates of humanity's desire to leap ahead, to change the way life is lived.

A national service program could help in setting a more loving and mutually supportive path for our planet and its people.

Be Well





Calming Emotional Energy